Motivationsschreiben englisch (Auslandssemester)

Muster-Bewerbung für ein Auslandssemester / Erasmus

Motivationsschreiben englisch (Auslandssemester)Muster / Vorlage: Motivationsschreiben englisch (Auslandssemester)
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Letter of Motivation

Dear Mr. Example,

I would like to complete the 5th semester of my bachelor's degree in art history at Rice University in Houston, Texas. The Erasmus program gives me the opportunity to gain practical insights into the international art scene and to acquire intercultural skills.

At Rice University I am particularly enthusiastic about the modules dealing with modern and contemporary art as well as political art. During my former studies I focused on political art and the interaction between art and society. At Rice University I will deepen these topics with the modules “A visual culture travelogue: Art and politics in modern Latin America”, “A revolution from within: Trends in contemprary cuban culture”, and “Art and activism: Creative protests in the 20th century Americas”. Through these modules, I am excited to expand my focus to international art and political campaigns.

Furthermore, I chose Rice University because I will receive individual support and can therefore contribute to university life and the student community. In addition, Rice University maintains close contacts with various museums. I am highly interested in visiting the Museum of Fine Arts and I believe that I can broaden my horizons through theoretical and practical insights into international and American art. I am aware that a semester abroad brings its challenges. But I am convinced that my open nature, my commitment, and language skills will help me to integrate quickly at the university.

After completing my bachelor's degree, I intend to do a postgraduate master’s degree with a focus on political art. Later on, I would like to shape and manage art institutions for political art and help them reach  wider audience.

I look forward to the opportunity to participate in Rice University's Erasmus program and eagerly await your positive feedback.

Kind regards,


Tom Mustermann